Spring Time Surprises

Spring is almost here; well at least we are letting ourselves think so. When spring comes and the snow
leaves we want to see green grass and flowers starting to perk up. Do you ever wonder why there are
areas in your lawn not green after the snow leaves? Below are a few problems we face every year, I like
to refer to them as “spring time surprises”.

Salt Damage

Salt is a nice substance to use to keep your hard surfaces from being too dangerous throughout the
winter months. But as much good as it does, it can damage the lawn in areas it comes into contact with.
In spring, thoroughly watering the area to leach the salt through the soil profile may not be enough to
counteract the negative effects of salt on your lawn. A post damage application of fertilizer in the spring
can also help the damaged areas bounce back. Also spending a little extra money on a quality de-ice
product that doesn’t harm your lawn is a better idea.


They are cute little mousey types but do a great deal of ugliness to a nice lawn. Vole damage can be
identified by tunnel like trails running throughout your lawn. The damage can look pretty bad, but
with a little raking out of dead grass your lawn will bounce back fairly quickly. If it is really bad you can
overseed to fill in damaged areas faster.

There is not much beyond baits and traps that can curtail the little critters, especially if you have a nice
open field nearby where they can live out the summer. Mow your lawn short in the fall to reduce some
of their cover.

Snow Mold

Snow mold sounds gross, but it really isn’t that bad. We generally see snow mold in areas with heavy,
prolonged snow cover. Also, we can see it in low areas that get iced over for a few weeks. Unless
damage is extreme, all we need to do with damage like this is a little raking and maybe some light over-

Above are some of the common lawn issues we encounter in spring. Of course these vary from year to
year depending on what Mother Nature sends our way during winter. In many cases preparation is key.
We recommend applying a good winterizer fertilizer application in fall to promote root development
that will help your lawn survive our harsh Wisconsin winters and also one that will promote early spring
green up once the snow is gone and the ground temperatures are sufficient.

If any of these topics are something you are experiencing feel free to call our office with any questions
or we’d be glad to send out one of our licensed lawn technicians to assist you.

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